Monday, February 6, 2012

Where'd Everybody Go? -- YBJ #79 Feb 2012

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Issue 79 February 2012

What is Yoga Business Coaching?

Yoga Business Coaching is a partnership of deep communication -- an empowering dialogue
designed to serve your success as a yoga entrepreneur.

This is not a typical consulting scenario. In an on-going relationship, we will
develop a trust that will allow me to serve as your advisor and confidant, helping
you envision and achieve your business and personal goals.

As a sounding board and catalyst for creative thinking, we will ensure that you
make good choices for your business and your life. Together, we will co-design projects,
marketing campaigns, and implement systems that will make your venture grow and
flow smoothly.

My program is tailored specifically to your unique situation, regardless of whether
your business is in start-up phase or already established. We will look at your
entire life as your yoga, with your business as an extension of who you are. We
will fit your business into your life in a way that will support your highest goals,
and your highest good.

This program works -- but don't take my word for it, read what clients around the
world are saying about their experience. Just click here [].



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...And I Quote:
Quotes []

"Success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.

~Winston Churchill


Have a favorite quote? Write to me!

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your information to anyone, especially those selling cheap prescription drugs from
overseas, alerting you to an inheritance from a long-lost uncle, or offering the
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And, if I ever bore you, just ask and ye shall not receive! (actually, you don't
even need to ask, there's an unsubscribe link at the very bottom of each issue.
So if someone forwarded this newsletter to you, go on, click the image for your
very own subscription.

Suggestion Box
ideas []

Have something brilliant that you believe will help the yoga business community
prosper? I'm all ears! Click on the light bulb to send me an email.

The Spirit of Yoga

Touché! Kudos to this unknown musician who responded to this ad.
(We need more of this kind of attitude in Yoga. Let's stop giving away the farm!)
Craigslist Ad:
We are a small & casual restaurant in Vancouver and we are looking for solo musicians
to play in our restaurant to promote their work and sell their CD. This is not a
daily job, but only for special events which will eventually turn into a nightly
event if we get positive response. More Jazz, Rock, & smooth type music, around
the world and mixed cultural music. Are you interested to promote your work? Please
reply back ASAP.
Happy new year! I am a musician with a big house looking for a restauranteur to
promote their restaurant and come to my house to make dinner for my friends and
I. This is not a daily job, but only for special events which will eventually turn
into a nightly event if we get positive response. More fine dining & exotic meals
and mixed Ethnic Fusion cuisine. Are you interested to promote your restaurant?
Please reply back ASAP.


homepage []
New Web Site

Thanks those of you that have actually read my new web site. I appreciate all the
positive feedback. I had a lot of fun creating it (a little bit of Photoshop skill
can be a dangerous thing!), so, if you haven't seen it, click on the goofy guy above
and you'll be taken there.

A big thank you to my wonderful web goddess, Michelle. You rock.

Any comments or constructive criticisms are welcome. Enjoy.

Namasté david,
Well, it's February - and although you're probably feeling really good right now,
and I certainly don't want to be a party-pooper (pardon the formal business terminology),
the honeymoon may soon be over. Yes, I'm referring to the waning of this magical
period of a few precious weeks when classes are packed with you-know-who... yes,
the new year resolutionists. Soon, a significant number of these nice, well-intentioned
folks will simply disappear without warning or complaint or apparent reason... they
just suddenly stop coming. Unless you do something to prevent it.
If you're a fairly new subscriber, take a deep breath and put down the Rescue Remedy
- because it just so happens that every year at this time, in addition to a brilliant
(according to my wife) main article on this subject (with a photoshopped image that
I spent way too much time on to not use again), we get together on a tele-class
to learn how to outmaneuver this pernicious yearly phenomenon!
Even if you've been exposed to my rantings on this subject before - if your attrition
numbers are higher than you'd like, consider joining us. See details in the tele-class
section below.
This month we celebrate Sarah Michaels and her perfect niche in the yoga world.
Talk about walking your talk - Sarah lives her talk and serves as an inspiration
to her students. See her big smile below.
I also added some science and mystery to this issue... you'll see what I mean as
you read on.
In gratitude... Enjoy.

Where'd Everybody Go?
ds []
Get out your dad's pipe, put on the fedora and grab your trench coat... This looks
like a job for The Yoga Business Detectives!
This is a perfect case for us to investigate together on our upcoming tele-class
on February 21st. For now, let's review the background information in the dossier
of this troublesome plot:
In reality, all businesses, even those providing something as wonderful as yoga,
lose customers. In this article, and on the next Tele-Class, we will discuss why
that is, and what to do about it.
Most businesses lose between 15 to 20 percent of their customers each year. So,
if your intention is to grow your yoga business by just 10% annually, you would
need to add up to 30% new students each year to make up for the attrition! Considering
that yoga businesses spend many times more money attracting new students than they
do to keep existing ones -- losing students gets pretty expensive. In light of the
tight budgets most yoga businesses operate under, it is important that this be addressed.
First of all, it's crucial to realize that if a person has come to your studio for
a class or done business with you in any way, they have already indicated that something
about your offering has reached them. Your mission, especially at this critical
time of year, should be to cultivate that initial connection and create a lifetime
of mutually beneficial business involvement with this person. Obviously, this is
not where the marketing relationship ends, but where it must truly begin. It's
a dance, and you must keep dancing.
So why do students and customers stop coming? Well, aside from the small percentage
that moves away, generally people stop doing business with you because they are
unhappy, either with themselves and their ability to do yoga, or with the perceived
value that they are receiving for their time, money and effort.
Unhappiness can take many forms, some obvious, some subtle -- but all enough to
prevent a person from coming back. And guess what? They will rarely tell you about
it -- they don't always complain -- they just leave. It's true.
Some surveys have shown that over 80% of people who stop coming are just that: unhappy.
If your student is dissatisfied with their experience of yoga in any way; if they
feel an attitude of indifference from a teacher; If the room is too cold, too hot,
too crowded, too dark; if they feel less than welcomed by a front desk staffer in
a bad mood; if they feel intimidated by other students, judged by the teacher, embarrassed;
etc, etc, etc. All these reasons are valid, regardless of how you feel about them.
Remember, it's not about you -- it's about them.
Unfortunately, happy customers tell only a few others about their experience with
your business, but the unhappy ones tend to tell many more in an effort to vent
or substantiate their feelings! I know, it's not fair, but it happens.
Not knowing what is going on in the minds and hearts of your students will distance
you from the community you want to serve -- aside from being potentially very expensive
for your business.
The obvious solution to this challenge is to get to know your students and customers
starting from their first visit, and never stop! Communicate, inquire, take an interest,
give a free class to any student who completes a "satisfaction survey," you get
the idea -- ongoing communication with a new student or customer AFTER they make
a commitment is critical in keeping them involved and dedicated to their practice
and your studio.
For many students, especially those that would benefit most from yoga, almost any
excuse is enough to take them away from their mat. Don't be part of that excuse.
It is your responsibility to do what you can to make yoga an integral part of the
lifestyle of your students. For much more than business reasons, it is imperative
that you find out how they feel and immediately take steps to resolve their concerns...
or potentially lose them.
Like any relationship, communication is everything. Communicate with your students
in every way you can. Make sure they know you and your entire staff are always available,
always approachable, and always willing to make their experience a better one. Don't
wait for them to come forward -- Be proactive -- and keep them on their mat!
On our February 21st Tele-Class, we will explore specific ways to prevent attrition
and create a studio full of really happy yoginis and yogis! Join us, and don't forget
the fedora.

The Next Seva-Driven Tele-Class
TClass []Join
us on Tuesday, February 21st, 2012 at Noon Pacific Time/3:00PM Eastern Time for
our next seva (selfless service) or donation-driven tele-class.
On this call, we will reveal how to keep your students on their mats all year long.
As usual, this will be a lot of fun and, you never know, you might even learn something
Please join our community of yoga entrepreneurs (who call in from as many as a dozen
countries) in this lively interactive discussion.
To join this month's class, I ask you to donate the usual $30 admission cost directly
to Doctors Without Borders or any cause that reaches you. If $30 is difficult for
you, donate what you can, or do some seva in a way that feels right to you.
Since space is limited, please email me your desire to participate and you'll receive
a confirmation approximately one week before the call, if there is room. Please
only request a spot if you are certain you will be available for the call!
All current clients and guests who send in an email request will receive a return
email with instructions for this tele-class. Click here []
to convert 12:00PM US Pacific time to the exact class time for your location. Just
enter the time and date and location (San Francisco, CA) and add your location.

Client Spotlight
Sarah Lee Michaels

If you've read this publication for a while, you know I do a lot of branding, positioning
and niche marketing in my coaching. Essentially, it's all about bringing each client's
gift to the world in a way that is naturally magnetic to a specific audience. In
getting to know Sarah, it became clear that she is a literal embodiment of what
her entire generation aspires to be: vibrant, energetic and active well beyond
what was thought possible.

Here's her story. Enjoy. ~Alón

Yoga's Ambassador to Boomers

When I first started working with Alón over a year ago, I had tons of ideas and
energy. I soon realized that Alón matched me with his energy, positive encouragement,
and focus. His manner was always engaging as he focused on my goals. Even when my
son's personal health crisis stalled my progress, his sensitivity as a coach embraced
where I was, and he never allowed me to be discouraged with temporary setbacks.
He kept the vibrancy flowing in our sessions, and insisted I focus on what I know
best-- myself.

Not only did his words enlighten me when I began to take new chances, but he inspired
me to creatively develop my yoga and my philosophy, and make it more meaningful,
more relevant. He believed in me, and knew how to lead me to my next step.

My age defying yoga focuses on a wonderful and unique genre of yogis. Baby Boomers!
As one myself, I know the importance of staying physically, mentally and spiritually
strong and healthy. My classes and workshops aim to awaken a new sense of vitality,
strength and freshness that helps my generation defy aging and live life to the

Alón encouraged me to find new ways to give back to my students, and I grateful
that I can take what I do and motivate others to find their best self!

Alón's business philosophy mirrors mine -- embracing the idea that any successful
working relationship comes from the positive communication between people working
together to achieve a common goal. Like a true visionary, when my abstract goals
seemed cloudy, he helped lead me exactly to where I wanted to go, helped me consider
creative options to get there, and helped me stay on task until I reached my ultimate
plan destination.

If you haven't considered a business coach yet, and are looking for something extra
to take you to a new level of success, consider Alón's unique yoga coaching philosophy.

Alón's sessions have helped me grow in ways no other business advisor has. As one
of the most optimistic people I know, he will engage you, embrace you, enlighten
you and leave you feeling vibrant and inspired. As a specialist, he has shown me
that nothing in the field of yoga is beyond my reach. I could have not asked for
more from a business coach, and thanks to him, I will continue to engage in life...every
day! []

Click here to read lots more client stories... []

Et Cetera...

mag NASA []

NASA Captures Invisible Energies On Video!

First, this seems to be a bona fide NASA video from their Berkeley-based scientists
(I envision a group of wildly intelligent ex-hippys with lots of brainpower, a sense
of wonder that never got trampled, and probably a spiritual bent to boot!).
This will either freak you out, or make you smile in a "I knew it!" kind of way.
I did both, so feel free to join me in being fascinated by life's unseen mysteries.
Ever since Frijop Capra's The Tao of Physics came out in the mid seventies, science
has been edging closer and closer to spirituality. Eventually, I believe the line
will blur to the point that softens empirical science's definition of what is considered
Us yogis are usually aware of "energy," and when science comes around to support
our truth, well, it makes me want to celebrate by going even deeper into my yoga
and meditation practice!
Click the photo to watch.

OK, Just One More...

Can You Identify This Thing?

I love this kind of stuff. I look at this and I feel like a child all caught up
in wonder and fascination. Look carefully, it's quite amazing!
So here's the deal: identify this correctly, write to me, and we'll celebrate your
big brain full of knowledge and wisdom in the next Yoga Business Journal. Maybe
I'll even throw in a prize of some sort, you never know...
Have fun.

Yoga Business Coach(TM) publications reach thousands of studios and teachers in
over 150 countries around the world. Thank you for spreading the word.


Contact Alón
800.399.2977 From the USA
+1 415.294.4717 International [] []

Copyright 2004-2011 by The Yoga Business Coach(TM) All rights reserved. You're
welcome and invited to share and forward this publication to anyone, but please
do not excerpt or copy the ideas or text without proper attribution.

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The Yoga Business Coach | 35 Miller Ave. | #171 | Mill Valley | CA | 94941

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