Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Review: Is 'Matrix-Shift' The Next Level?

Product Review: Is 'Matrix-Shift' The Next Level?

Imagine you had a magic wand you could use to transform your
circumstances for the better, making your life more fulfilling
and meaningful? What if this musing were more than just fantasy?

What if you really did possess the ability to effect positive
change not only within yourself, but in the world around you?
Well, according to Aine Belton, creator of Matrix Shift, we all
have the power to transform our realities simply by altering our
energy force inside.

Taking Control Of Your "Matrix"

Belton’s all-inclusive program includes two audio meditation
recordings, two guidebooks, and two workbooks designed to help
you take control of your “matrix”, which according to the
author consists of two energy systems—the aura and the chakras.

The theory is that once you heal and restore this matrix within,
you’ll begin to see the positive results manifest in your
physical reality. And since your energy (i.e. your aura and
chakras) literally is who you are, optimizing it can reverse any
problem in your life, whether it be internal conflicts like
self-esteem or limiting beliefs, or problems with others such as
relationship or career issues.

In order to get to the root of Belton’s message, however, you
might have to endure a few typos and "fluctuations" on the main
web site :) But if you can overlook these somewhat annoying,
but ultimately minor pitfalls, you may just be in for a treat, and
a potentially life-changing one at that!

Does It Really Work?

Indeed, Belton’s message has clearly resonated with her
audience; scores of people have written inspiring testimonials
about how Matrix Shift has drastically improved their lives in a
short amount of time.

In addition, Belton bases her thesis on sound and widely
accepted concepts such as the law of attraction and basic
quantum physics (is that an oxymoron?). She also namedrops
some pretty prominent figures such as scientist and author
Dr. David Hamilton and the iconic Albert Einstein who just
so happen to agree with her basic tenets.

As for the system itself, as long as you’re willing to open
your mind and your calendar for the experience, Matrix Shift
certainly has the potential to deliver on its promises. The audio
are beautifully narrated, lulling the listener into
an uber-relaxed, almost trance-like state which enables the
subconscious to better receive ideas and suggestions. These
meditations are full of eye-popping visual imagery that will
guide you to an innate understanding of your body as a rich,
colorful energy field with infinite potential.  Full details here >

The guidebooks and workbooks included in the program serve to
enhance the meditations by providing valuable information and
interactive exercises, enabling you to fully understand the
concepts behind the meditations while actively participating in
your own transformation.

The content provided in these books make the program relevant
to both new and seasoned meditators as well as those with
varying degrees of knowledge related to the Chakras. Since the
guidebooks start out with basic information that newbies will find
essential and end with more advanced topics, they can either be
read in their entirety or skimmed through for useful information.

Our Verdict:

The bottom line is this—if you’ve got troubles in your life
that seem to resist mind-based problem solving and persist no
matter what actions you take in an attempt to resolve them (and
don’t we all), then the Matrix Shift has the potential to transform.

At the very least, Aine Belton’s guided meditations will help you
reach a new level of relaxation, and with some persistence, you
may find that this program to be the catalyst for not only a
life-changing transformation, but a world-changing one.

Begin Your 'Matrix-Shift' Here --->


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