Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wildmind's Meditation Newsletter

wildmind buddhist meditation

Our online store

When you make a purchase from our store, it helps us to bring the benefits of meditation to more people!

As well as a wide selection of guided meditation MP3s and meditation CDs, our online store also offers statues, jewelry, and household decor.

New in our store

ansari timer
Enso Ansari Meditation Timer

Golden Snow Lion Earrings

cd cover
Guided Meditations for Difficult Times, by Jack Kornfield

stone buddha pendant
Stone Buddha Pendant

Sandalwood Mala

wild divine
The Journey to Wild Divine: Wisdom Quest

Private Coaching from Sunada


 One-on-one meditation or life coaching

January 2012 Newsletter :: Happy New Year!

Welcome to Wildmind’s latest monthly meditation newsletter. You’re receiving this email because you subscribed to our newsletter mailing list. You may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions at the end of this email.

Announcing “The Mindful Life,” our NEW introductory meditation course

meditatingWant a fresh start to your new year? Start down the road to better health, happiness, and well-being with our new course on living mindfully.

We’re very excited to offer “The Mindful Life,” a new introductory meditation online course starting January 2. It’s a comprehensive four-week course on mindfulness — not only the how-to of meditation, but also ways to bring more awareness and creativity to your life overall. It combines the wisdom of the Buddha’s teachings with the latest research in neuroscience and psychology — so you get the best of both worlds. Weekly exercises help you extend newly-learned skills into the context of daily life.

Click here to learn more »

“Mindfulness Meditations for Teens” by Bodhipaksa, now available.

teens cdMeditation has been shown to reduce the stress that teenagers face, and to reduce harmful behaviors.

Bodhipaksa has many years of experience in teaching meditation to teens, and this CD is specifically designed to help them develop the crucial skills of mindfulness, emotional positivity, and resilience that they need in order to find sanity in a crazy world.

Click here to learn more »

On practice

autumn walk A path to live life to the fullest
by Saddhamala

In Buddhism there are four reminders — things we should consider to make the most of our lives and to prepare us for death. These reminders can make a difference in how we live our lives, if we keep them in mind and reflect on them each day.

Click here to read more »

fire How to deal with anger
by Bodhipaksa

It seems a lot of people live with hot coals of irritability burning inside them, and that these hot coals have more than ample opportunity to burst into the flames of anger, or to erupt as emotional explosions of rage.

Bodhipaksa offers some lessons on how we can handle our anger.

Click here to read more »


dancer Be the body
by Rick Hanson, Ph.D.

“The fabric of your mind is woven by your body,” says neuropsychologist Rick Hanson, and being aware of your body and its signals gives you useful information about your deeper feelings and needs.

Here he explains how.

Click here to read more »

waves Recovery Mondays: a Buddhist approach to recovery
by Vimalasara

A new monthly blog post, by Vimalasara, a.k.a. Valerie Mason-John.

This month: Why is it that so many people make new year’s resolutions, and two weeks later, they are off the wagon?

Click here to read more »


sleeping buddha Waking up from the hindrance of sloth and torpor
by Bodhipaksa

We all seem to be tired a lot, and when we sit down to meditate we may find that we nod off or sit there in a rather dreamy and unfocused state. This is sloth and torpor — one of the states of distraction that we call the Five Hindrances. Bodhipaksa offers some advice on how to combat sleepiness on the cushion.

Click here to read more »

floating seeds Meditation hindrances and how to work with them
by Saddhamala

Saddhamala outlines the hindrances to meditation — sensual desire, ill will, sloth and torpor, restlessness and anxiety and skeptical doubt — and explains how to work with them.

Click here to read more »


water under the bridge Admit fault and move on
by Rick Hanson, Ph.D.

When someone admits fault to us, we feel safer, on more solid ground, more at ease, warmer toward them — and more willing to admit faults ourselves. Turn this around, and you can see the benefits in admitting faults to others. Rick Hanson explains how to practice this important skill.

Click here to read more »


Book reviews

gratitude “The Buddha Is Still Teaching: Contemporary Buddhist Wisdom Selected and Edited by Jack Kornfield”

Dayamudra finds much to admire in this inspiring collection of quotations, but finds fault in the inclusion of Gandhi, who supported the oppression of so-called “Untouchables.”

Click here to read more »


book cover “A Little Book of Love” by Moh Hardin

Saddhamala reviews the first book by Moh Hardin, an acarya, or senior teacher, in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage, and finds that while the advice given — such as to love ourselves unconditionally — is sound, there’s a disappointing lack of examples, and of instruction on how to put the advice into practice.

Click here to read more »


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Meditation in the news

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meditation in the news

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