Wednesday, October 5, 2011

(Part 2) THE secret of meditation and life

Hello david,

I see you requested information from the
other day. So I guess you want more on ...

- How to calm your mind naturally and easily
- How to increase the level of energy
- How to "manifest" what's truly important to you in your life

...That's great!

Here is your next e-course instalment as promised:

Today we're going to talk about stress, what causes stress and
how to deal with it. I'm going to show you how to keep your
mind relaxed and focused .... even when it seems there's no end
to the amount of things you have to get done.

There is a secret to dealing with stress ...

Master this secret and you will be in control of your mind and
your life. Disregard this principle and the chaos of life will
control YOU.

Imagine this ...

You're getting ready for work in the morning. You have a number
of unresolved problems you need to solve.

1) You have to make your breakfast.

2) You have to polish your shoes.

3) You have to brush your teeth.

You're already running late when...

4) You realize you can't find your keys.

Now you have another problem to solve. And just when you
thought things were getting out of hand...

5) You realize that someone else is in the bathroom and you
can't get in to clean your teeth.

6) The phone rings.

7) You realize you need to go to the bank.

Stress and overwhelm arise when we have too many unresolved
problems to do deal with. As each new unsolved problem is added
to your plate, you start to lose the feeling of certainty and
control. The more unresolved problems, the more stressed you

Unfortunately, life rarely presents us with a single problem to
deal with at once. Normally life requires us to deal with a
handful of problems at the same time.

That's why our minds are in the habit of jumping around from one
thing to another.

Guess what?

At any given time, your mind is simultaneously trying to solve
ALL KINDS of unresolved problems. In fact, a lot of this is
going on outside of our conscious awareness.

Over time the mind loses its sharpness. The world doesn't look
as bright as it used to. You're not enjoying things and having fun
in the same way anymore. This is how we lose touch with

So what can we do about this?

The answer is to focus on resolving one problem at once. We
only ever feel stressed when the mind is trying to solve too
many unresolved problems.

Restrict your focus to one single problem and suddenly the
situation becomes less stressful and confusing.

If you're getting ready in the morning, you may decide the first
thing to focus on is eating breakfast. As long as you focus on
only one unresolved problem at once, you feel more in control.

Now, that's exactly what we're doing in meditation.

We're giving the mind a single thing to pay attention to. As we
do this, we feel the stress beginning to dissipate. The jumble
of thoughts and unresolved problems swimming around in our minds
begins to slow.

We feel happier and more in control.

You wouldn't go out to an important meeting or social occasion
without clean clothes, brushing your teeth and taking care of
your appearance, would you?

What about your mind - the instrument through which you perceive
reality? Does it not make sense to take the time to clean up
your attitude and the way you feel as well?

That's all for today.

In the next session, I'll be going through a simple meditation
exercise you can use to calm the mind and feel great whenever
you want.

Thanks for the privilege of sharing,

Best wishes,

Matt Clarkson
The Mind-Body Training Company
UK Tel: +44(0)113 815 5123
US Tel: +1 213 985 1232

P.S. Want to learn how to quiet the mind, super-charge your
energy level and manifest what you truly desire in your life?
Remember, this article is only a tiny sampling of what's
waiting for you inside Secrets of Meditation, Energy and

P.P.S. If you like this e-course, and think your friends might
enjoy it, please tell them they can sign up at:

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