Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Deftly Dealing with Divas and Drama -- YBJ #76 August 2011

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Issue 76 August 2011

What is Yoga Business Coaching?

Yoga Business Coaching is a partnership of deep communication -- an empowering dialogue
designed to serve your success as a yoga entrepreneur.

This is not a typical consulting scenario. In an on-going relationship, we will
develop a trust that will allow me to serve as your advisor and confidant, helping
you envision and achieve your business and personal goals.

As a sounding board and catalyst for creative thinking, we will ensure that you
make good choices for your business and your life. Together, we will co-design projects,
marketing campaigns, and implement systems that will make your venture grow and
flow smoothly.

My program is tailored specifically to your unique situation, regardless of whether
your business is in start-up phase or already established. We will look at your
entire life as your yoga, with your business as an extension of who you are. We
will fit your business into your life in a way that will support your highest goals,
and your highest good.

This program works -- but don't take my word for it, read what clients around the
world are saying about their experience. Just click here [].



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Yoga World News

YOGI GLOATS OVER YOGA CHAMPIONSHIP -- 'I am the serenest!' he says.

LHASA, TIBET - Employing the brash style that first brought him to

prominence, SriDhananjai Kumar won the fifth annual International Yogi

Competition yesterday with a world-record point total of 873.6.

"I am the serenest!" Kumar shouted to the estimated crowd of 20,000

yoga fans, vigorously pumping his fists. "No one is serener than Sri

Dhananjai Kumar-I am the greatest yogi of all time!"

Kumar averaged 1.89 breaths a minute during the two-hour competition, nearly .3
fewer than his nearest competitor, second-place finisher and two-time champion Sri
Salil "The Hammer" Gupta.

The heavily favored Gupta was upset after the loss. "I should be able

to beat that guy with one lung tied," Gupta said. "I'm beside myself

right now, and I don't mean trans-bodily."

Kumar got off to a fast start at the Lhasa meet, which like most major

competitions, is a six-event affair. In the first event, he attained total

consciousness (TC) in just 2 minutes, 34 seconds, and set the tone for the

rest of the meet by repeatedly shouting, "I'm blissful! You blissful?! I'm

blissful!" to the other yogis.

Kumar, 33, burst onto the international yoga scene with a gold-mandala performance
at the 2004 Bhutan Invitational. At that competition he premiered his aggressive
style, at one point in the flexibility event

sticking his middle toes out at the other yogis. While no prohibition exists

against such behavior, according to Yoga League Commissioner Swami

Prabhupada, such behavior is generally considered "unBuddhalike."

"I don't care what the critics say," Kumar said. "Sri Kumar is just

gonna go out there and do Sri Kumar's own yoga thing."

Before the Bhutan meet, Kumar had never placed better than fourth.

Many said he had forsaken rigorous training for the celebrity status

accorded by his Bhutan win, endorsing Nike's new line of prayer mats and

supposedly dating the Hindu goddess Shakti. But his performance this week

will regain for him the number one computer ranking and earn him new

respect, as well as for his coach Mahananda Vasti, the controversial guru some have
called Kumar's "guru."

"My special training diet for Kumar of one super-charged, carbo-loaded

grain of rice per day was essential to his win," Vasti said.

The defeated Gupta denied that Kumar's taunting was a factor in his

inability to attain TC. "I just wasn't myself today," Gupta commented.

"I wasn't any self today. I was an egoless particle of the universal


In the second event, flexibility, Kumar maintained the lead by supporting himself
on his index fingers for the entire 15 minutes while touching the back of his skull
to his lower spine. The feat was matched by Gupta, who first used the position at
the 1990 Tokyo Zen-Off.

"That's my meditative position of spiritual ecstasy, not his," remarked

Gupta. "He stole my thunder."

Kumar denied the charge, saying, "Gupta's been talking like that ever

since he was a 3rd century Egyptian slave-owner."

Nevertheless, a strong showing by Gupta in the third event, the shotput,

placed him within a lotus petal of the lead at the competition's halfway


But event number four, the contemplation of unanswerable riddles known as koans,
proved the key to victory for Kumar.

The koan had long been thought the weak point of his spiritual arsenal,

but his response to today's riddle-"Show me the face you had before you were born"-was
reportedly "extremely illuminative," according to Commissioner Prabhupada.

While koan answers are kept secret from the public for fear of exposing

the uninitiated multitudes to the terror of universal truth, insiders claim

his answer had Prabhupada and the two other judges "highly enlightened."

With the event victory, Kumar built himself a nearly insurmountable

lead, one he sustained through the yak-milk churn and breathing events to

come away with the upset victory.

And I Quote
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What a wonderful life I have! I only wish I'd realized it sooner.
~Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette


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Thank you for making this newsletter one of the most consistently opened and read
online publications in the world!

Namasté david,
I don't know if you can relate, but I'm always in a bit of shock when it dawns on
me that Summer is almost over. Seems that time doesn't just "march on" any more,
but is in a full sprint, rendering each moment in its wake that much more precious.
Naturally, this makes situations that waste our time even more annoying.
Does this strike a chord? Does it make you absolutely crazy to have to deal with
(babysit?) certain people's "Center of the Universe" attitude? Is your compassion
stretched a little too thin? Never fear -- in this newsletter and on our September
tele-class, you can vent, tell stories, laugh at the absurdity of it all and reclaim
your valuable time and equilibrium from the influence of the Egoyogis in your midst
(made up that name all by myself -- am I great, or what?). Join us, I think we'll
have some fun!
On another amusing note, for this issue, I couldn't decide which piece to use, so
look for two Et Cetera sections at the very bottom. One had me in stitches, the
other made me marvel at the beauty of nature. Scroll down to check them out.
Note: My office will be closed from August 19th through September 12th for my annual
summer vacation. I'm going to the desert. San Francisco summers are great if you
enjoy being cold. Me...? Not so much.
In gratitude... Enjoy.

Dealing with Divas and Drama
Well, eventually, someone had to write about this strange phenomenon... figures
it would be me. I've been doing this for a long time, yet it never ceases to amaze
me: This is the yoga business... right? -- In theory, one would not be out of line
expecting that an industry based on and grounded by the principals of yoga would
suffer very few egomaniacs, prima donnas, and drama queens in its midst. But then,
one would be wrong, now wouldn't one?
If you've been a subscriber for a while, you know I celebrate the positive every
chance I get... but in these last few months, there has been an escalation of reports
from my client base of difficulties with staff, teachers and even students who share
a common, unearned, and annoying-as-can-be personality trait: Entitlement (I can
almost hear the collective groan of understanding...).
This subject is vital to the success of any yoga business -- yet I have found that
many owners find it so uncomfortable that it is largely ignored. This article,
and especially the associated tele-class, is intended to shake us out of complacency
into the clarity of action.
On a daily basis, the quality of our relationships mirror who we are, how we think,
and how we lead. In business, being able to manage and cultivate healthy relationships
can make the difference between flowing gracefully toward our goals and pulling
out our hair in frustration.
Us yogis are an intuitive, compassionate, generous, empathic, and openhearted
lot -- sometimes to such a degree that it can hurt us, as well as our business
if we're not careful. We generally want everyone to be happy, and often baby-sit
the emotions of others in our desire to help. As leaders, we cannot afford to underestimate
the importance of protecting our personal energy. If we take on the pain, neediness
or negative energy of other people, we can't operate at our best when we most
need to.
All of our relationships are governed by energetics. Good relationships are easy
to be in, naturally making us feel more alive -- while challenging ones can suck
the life right out of us (did someone just come into your mind as you read that
last sentence?). Sometimes, we don't even notice the cumulative negative effect
we are letting this have on our ability to build our dreams.
So, if we find that a relationship is not working for the highest good, we first
need to inquire as to how we are being in that relationship before laying blame.
This way we can learn to identify trouble before we sponge it up and make it our
Keeping our center is a yogic skill that helps us avoid taking on other people's
"stuff" -- whether they are our business partners, our staff, our investors, teachers,
students, landlord, family, or even the "collective unconscious" during a Monday
morning commute.
The way to deal with challenging relationships is not by shutting down, ignoring
them or running from them, but by remaining open and sensitive while protecting
ourselves. We protect ourselves and our business by taking appropriate, timely
To a large degree, those you've invited into your environment influence your life
and business. The solution may be simple, but not always enjoyable: say goodbye
to the combative, arrogant, incompetent and negative people in your life and business
as soon as possible. Avoid trying to change them (that rarely works, unless they
really want to change themselves). If they work for you -- replace them; if they
are friends -- find new ones. Life is too short to hang around with dark clouds.
You deserve better, and just as important, it is also your responsibility to protect
your yoga community from influences that would impede their practice.
This is not intended to be harsh. It is meant to reflect the reality that no one
is going to draw boundaries for you -- only you can do it. If you don't protect
your precious energy, it will be depleted and you'll find yourself tired and moody.
If you don't make good choices in who you allow to be in front of your students,
they may find somewhere else to practice.
As a business owner, you simply can't afford this, because you need all your energy
to steer your life and business through the twists and turns of the journey. Don't
worry about trying to make everybody like you, just be true to yourself and your
mission of bringing your yoga to the world.
The mind set of the leader sets the tone for every organization. Who you are being,
especially in business relationships, produces either a powerfully positive or
powerfully negative ripple effect throughout the organization. People will naturally
gravitate to clear, grounded leadership and most are repelled by chaos. You are
the leader of your life and business. Own that position as your birthright.
All people, including the best leaders, are challenged by certain relationships.
When you find yourself getting overwhelmed, which often leads to a strange, spaced-out,
low-grade paralysis that prevents you from taking action -- take a short walk,
regroup and find your center. Then come back, step up through the fear, the tears,
or the knot in your stomach and take action. Speak your truth. Draw boundaries;
say no to what doesn't serve the highest good of your studio, your community and
your ability to lead.
Your world needs you to be your best. You owe it to your students to keep their
yoga sanctuary free of drama and negativity. Give yourself permission to do what
is necessary to be the strong, compassionate leader you were born to be -- and
guide your business to success. If that sounds difficult, join our tele class in
September for an injection of boundary-setting, action-taking prana. Read below
for more info.

The Next Seva-Driven Tele-Class
TClass []Join
us on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at Noon Pacific Time/3:00PM Eastern Time for our
next seva (selfless service) or donation-driven tele-class.
On this call, we will discuss the art of navigating yoga relationships and saving
yourself from pull-your-hair-out- frustration, as well as freeing up precious time
and maintaining your sanity!
As usual, this will be a lot of fun and, you never know, you might even learn something
Please join our community of yoga entrepreneurs (who call in from as many as a dozen
countries) in this lively interactive discussion.
To join this month's class, I ask you to donate the usual $30 admission cost directly
to The Red Cross. If $30 is difficult for you, donate what you can, or do some seva
in a way that feels right to you.
Since space is limited, please email me your desire to participate and you'll receive
a confirmation approximately one week before the call, if there is room. Please
only request a spot if you are certain you will be available for the call!
All current clients and guests who send in an email request will receive a return
email with instructions for this tele-class. Click here []
to convert 12:00PM US Pacific time to the exact class time for your location. Just
enter the time and date and location (San Francisco, CA) and add your location.

Client Spotlight
Stacey Stier
It has been so much fun working with the indomitable "Namastacey," as I like to
call her. She called me at a pivotal time in her business: expansion into a second
When done correctly, expansion is an exhilarating and satisfying time. Done incorrectly,
without a plan, it is something that can shatter a otherwise thriving business.
It was great to experience her deep sigh of relief when she realized she didn't
have to do it alone!
Here's her story. Enjoy. ~Alón

Entrepreneur to Leader

First, I'd like to say thank you to all of the previous studio owners who have shared
their testimonials of working with Alón. It was your words that inspired me to take
action in first contacting him.

It took me 10 years of going it alone to take the plunge and I'm so glad I did.
I opened Bikram Yoga in Grapevine, Texas February 2nd, 2002 with a business partner.
We parted ways about a year and a half later and I've been on my own ever since...until
now that is. Now I have Alón, actually I just refer to him as "Coach".

I've always been the "I can do it myself" type. And I can, but at what cost? How
much better could my life and my business be if I invited in some help? I was about
to begin the process of opening a second location when I made the decision to hire
"Coach." I had not signed a lease yet and had plenty of work in front of me to prepare
for what it would mean to take on a second studio.

I called "Coach" in October 2010 and we hit it off right away. As we carried on
our conversation that first day, I remember feeding off of his excitement about
the journey I was about to take. One phone call and I already felt better. Along
the way, as we continued to work together, I would have moments of super human
strength and confidence and moments of complete and utter despair and doubt. Coach
was there for all of it and he never waivered in his belief in me and never judged
my doubt in myself. He provided the therapy I needed to unload some of the drama
in my life. He helped me pluck out what was priority and what was not. Really, he
lifted the fog that could have easily kept me from clearly defining and attaining
my goals.

In order to open my second location, we worked together to blow up and rebuild almost
everything about the way I ran my business. I changed over my staff from contract
labor to employees, grew my staff from 10 to now 19 employees, created a new website,
developed an employee handbook which meant documenting every process, policy and
procedure (this was by far the toughest and most rewarding piece of the puzzle),
promoted a team member to studio manager, created a brand message... the list goes

I remember one particular day where I was struggling with website and brochure messaging.
I knew I wanted it to be different than what I'd done in the past but I felt directionless
and passionless. It felt like REALLY hard work and I was low on creativity and high
on stress. I presented my problem to Coach that day and we began a conversation
about my target market and the message I wanted to send. By the end of that conversation
we had developed a pivotal marketing piece that I now refer to as "The Invitation."
That process, which I previously dreaded, turned into one of the most fun and exhilarating
calls I've had with Coach and we laughed until we cried. Once again, Coach helped
me find my mojo.

I remember people telling me "Are you sure you want to open another location?" "How
are you going to do it all?" "Most multiple studio owners have a business partner
or are a husband/wife team. How can you possibly do this on your own?" Coach NEVER
said anything remotely like that to me. He only encouraged me, believed in me, supported
me, trusted me, and fed me (energetically that is. Hey, you could have at least
sent me a cookie bouquet, Coach...I was hungry!).

My second location opened April 7, 2011 in Arlington, Texas. People came, they gave
me money, the heat worked, the computers were up, my employees showed up, and we
were able to focus on yoga. A drama-less first day... can you believe it? Since
opening, the new studio has continued to steadily grow and the original studio
is busier than ever. At the new location, we're already adding a 5:30am class at
the end of this month and we're now offering yoga-centered, plant based cooking
classes and massage therapy.

I'm still working long hours but I'm working so much more ON my business than IN
my business and I can see the light of day. Coach is focused on helping me become
a leader, as opposed to a solo entrepreneur/manager responsible for, well, everything.

Perhaps this terminally strong "I can do it myself" girl could have done this alone,
but I'm SO glad I didn't have to. Coach has been the business partner I didn't have
(without giving up equity), the sanity in my often insaneness, the accountability
provider I needed, the cheerleader when I doubted myself. I know for sure that
I wouldn't have the same outcome I have today without him. There is still much work
to do and this will be a journey that does not end AND, just like my yoga practice,
it is worth it.

I appreciate and am so grateful to have such an incredible Coach to motivate, inspire
and guide me along the way. Thanks for everything Coach, now seriously, send that
cookie bouquet, I'm dying over here.

Stacey Stier

Bikram Yoga North Texas []

Click here to read lots more client stories... []

Et Cetera...
dog []

Don't Talk To Your Dog This Way

This video is silly and hilarious. If you haven't seen it, you're in for a treat.
If you have, it's worth another round... I think you'll like it, or, you may just
call the Animal Protection Authorities.
Click on the image and enjoy!
Thanks to my client Kristina for sharing this one with me. Do you have something
funny or fascinating you'd like to share with our global yoga business community?
Send it on over.

Et Cetera, et cetera...
Lil' Red []

85 Year Old Majesty

Eighty five years is rather young for a Redwood tree. Around here, they can grow
to 300 foot tall over 1800 years! Yeah, it's amazing.
The youngster pictured above is remarkable because in the 85 years of its existence,
it has only grown to 4 ft. You've probably guessed by now that this beautiful, living
little Redwood is in fact a Bonsai!
It was hard to pry me away from this beauty... as someone who has killed more Bonsai
than I care to admit, I was happy to meet its caretaker, who promptly shared the
wisdom of keeping Bonsai outside... uh, no one ever told me that, I mumbled.
My penance is to share this photo I took with you, so that an actual living Bonsai
could take your breath away, as it did mine.

Yoga Business Coach(TM) publications reach thousands of studios and teachers in
over 150 countries around the world. Thank you for spreading the word.


Contact Alón
800.399.2977 From the USA
+1 415.294.4717 International [] []

Copyright 2004-2011 by The Yoga Business Coach(TM) All rights reserved. You're
welcome and invited to share and forward this publication to anyone, but please
do not excerpt or copy the ideas or text without proper attribution.

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