Wow, I've received a ton of questions after sending out
Part 1 of the article the other day "7 Little-Known
Secrets of Meditation & Manifesting".
Like I said, there's just too much email for me to promise
a personal reply... BUT, I do enjoy reading as many as I
can and I will do my best to answer the main questions in
future newsletters.
So with that said, let's continue with Part-2. In today's
article I want to explain what is the TRUE purpose of
meditation and what you can honestly expect from your
practice. I also want to address ...
** What you should do when your mind is busy making more
moves than a novice chess player :-)
** How meditation can help you manifest your deepest desires.
Matt Clarkson
The Mind-Body Training Company
P.S. You may re-print this article so long as you leave
my resource box with web site URL intact.
7 Little-Known Secrets of Meditation & Manifesting: Part 2
-- By Matt Clarkson
Secret #4: The True Purpose of Meditation
Many people feel a sense of fascination when confronted
with the possibility of mystic visions, psychic intuition
and heightened mental functioning. I mean who wouldn't?
While meditators often report these sorts of improvements,
these experiences should not be the primary reason for
practice, otherwise we might lose ourselves in the fantasy.
The true purpose of meditation is peace of mind and to
bring us back to ourselves.
As we become healthier, happier and realize greater self-
awareness, the other benefits of meditation begin to follow
naturally: improved mental functioning, greater intuition,
as well as greater access to unconscious resources and
Secret #5: Distraction Does Not Equal Failure
Meditation is not work in the sense that you have to
'force' yourself to concentrate completely for long periods
of time. If we consciously try to prevent thinking, it's
going to have a negative impact on the meditation.
Always remember that meditation should be natural.
Whenever we become lost in thought or confusion, we simply
acknowledge those thoughts and then gently return the
attention to our meditation cues (breathing, mantra etc).
We do this as many times as distraction occurs. Thoughts
and feelings are part of meditation practice. It's our
relationship to our thoughts and feelings that we're
training. With practice, the mind becomes calmer and
discursive thought disappears.
A peaceful mind is achieved not through forcing the mind
but through the act of quiet surrender.
Secret #6: Insight Alone Is Not Enough
Insight alone will not transform our lives. Meditation is
likely to help us by giving us larger perspectives and
increase clarity of thought.
But even though our sense of inner guidance might become
stronger, unless we act on that guidance, we will never
manifest the changes we truly want in our lives.
This doesn't just mean we need to take action in our outer
world, for example, having an honest conversation with a
friend or paying a bill. It also means we must actively
request the assistance of the unconscious in a clear and
persistent way.
When you do that, as I teach in "Secrets of Meditation,
Health and Manifestation," you find yourself magnetically
drawn toward your dreams with an irresistible impulse.
Secret #7: Learn To Let Go
Once you have made your request, it's important that you
let go. Don't be concerned with how you're going to get
what you truly want in your life. Needing to know how can
hamper the process of making it manifest in the outer
Learn to trust the deeper part of yourself. Some changes -
perhaps all of them - will happen automatically. I have
personally found that many of my destructive habits simply
dropped away with minimal conscious effort.
For me, this was achieved not by self-discipline and will
power, but rather a "letting go." So we realize that
spiritual growth is a natural process powered by parts of
ourselves that know more than we can understand consciously.
As we let go consciously and receive more input from these
parts, we learn to trust this feeling - this feeling that we
are in safe hands and that something amazing is about to
Want To Quiet Your Mind, Super-Charge Your Energy Level
And Manifest What You Truly Desire In Your Life?
... Remember, this article is only a tiny sampling of
what's waiting for you inside here:
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that you must not modify the content and you must include
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