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Issue 85 October 2012
What is Yoga Business Coaching and Did You Really Invent It ?
Yes! No! er, somewhat. Wait, I get one more phone call, right? I'll try to reach
a certain former politician who got a lot of flak for making public his part in
"inventing" the Internet.
OK, maybe he's busy. So, I'm prepared to only go as far as saying that maybe I kinda
sorta possibly with total humility probably coined the term in early 2004 - unless
proven otherwise. Your mileage may vary.
Regardless of who is responsible for launching or naming this new industry, here's
the gist of how I can be of service:
Yoga Business Coaching is a partnership of deep communication, an empowering dialogue
designed to serve your success as a yoga entrepreneur.
This is not a typical consulting scenario. In an on-going relationship, we will
develop a trust that will allow me to serve as your advisor and confidant, helping
you envision and achieve your highest good in business and in life.
As a sounding board and catalyst for creative thinking, we will ensure that you
make good choices for your business and your life. Together, we will co-design projects,
marketing campaigns, and implement systems that will make your venture grow and
flow smoothly.
My program is tailored specifically to your unique situation, regardless of whether
your business is in start-up phase or already established. We will look at your
entire life as your yoga, with your business as an extension of who you are. We
will fit your business into your life in a way that will support balance, freedom
and prosperity.
This program works -- but don't take my word for it, read what clients around the
world are saying about their experience. Just click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI7UO-soQCIWn_j4YGJbabZ0A9gLx4_duhxGWqBZbt26s_tyN1tvBwQvD8uNrgBjyyxDXYp4jqjT7X5l9IESxLAq-n-oqVYngKREBpsoIhEB_P6qZZjtbG0g66u2YluF4ME=]
for over 60 pages of meaningful testimonials.
I first used this image last month for an inspiring poem, but it didn't feel 100%
right. Looking at it now, I see a dancer joyfully ascending into the divine... a
nice visual metaphor for Gabrielle, as she dances her way lightward, and as usual,
shows us the way.
When it's our time to go, I for one will take her cue and show up dancing... with
a contented, goofy smile on my face.
Thank you, Gabrielle, for all you have done for us.
Gabrielle Roth 1941-2012
Favorite Yoga Quotes
"Our soul, our true self, is the most mysterious, essential, and magical dimension
of our being.
- Gabrielle Roth
Have a favorite yoga quote you want to share? Send it on over!
New Contest:
Best Yoga Pet Peeve
No, not peeved pets (although this guy's expression is priceless), Pet Peeves (for
our international subscribers, a "pet peeve" is something that has annoyed you,
usually for quite a while). Fes up, something does. Submit your yoga pet peeve and
if yours is voted best, you will win a free 30 minute session with you-know-who.
I'll start us off with one of mine: When practicing in a really crowded yoga room
and the teacher insists on walking around anyway, taking special care to step on
my yoga towel exactly where my face will be resting in the next asana, tracking
who knows what kinda toe fungus and assorted cooties soaked up from...arrrrgh!
OK, I think you get it. Enough said.
So, what's yours? If you don't submit something, I'll have to award the free session
to me, and frankly, I don't know if I could last 30 minutes and remain even partially
Nail That Asana! kind of...
Ever surprise yourself by holding a pose that had eluded you, like, forever? (Pssst...
Did I really just say "like" in my newsletter?)
This shot was taken a few years back when I finally held steady in Mayurasana for
more than two seconds. No, it's not perfect - I could have been more level... and
it's entirely possible that my nose was on the floor holding me up... but I was
happy, and there was a camera handy to document it either way.
Have a cool shot to share? Send it!
Inspiring Yoga Stories
Om [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI5XdocsGbD3DDtrWtOkG0YZzbYShgaD9BKnMyH7MWsbeI6RjfqmTPPi7ynxV1wd-tGQEZeqItMVRRJ2NKGbK6KLswvmJ6S6A4NMSuEWy8YRHisZVa-ohK7tKhcCXjE0T9A=]
Have a great yoga story that you would like our community to hear? Send it over!
I'll be publishing the most inspiring (or funny) entries in this newsletter.
Suggestion Box
ideas [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI5XdocsGbD3DDtrWtOkG0YZzbYShgaD9BKnMyH7MWsbeI6RjfqmTPPi7ynxV1wd-tGQEZeqItMVRRJ2NKGbK6KLswvmJ6S6A4NMSuEWy8YRHisZVa-ohK7tKhcCXjE0T9A=]
Have something brilliant that you believe will help the yoga business community
prosper? I'm all ears! Click on the light bulb to send me an email.
Subscribe to The Yoga Business Journal(TM)
labyrinth [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI4eooF8XkDJFyYz7rM7oxthVF-vXmoIyjvjA6kXjfgHkc-Bq1HKlTNKXjGAoQtdR_xxdrYzmeywO_wzPc6yD-Y8X26_DCvYB_XFQLJx_puEtkurDHn4iHZgbRauj7IOTGA=]
Your privacy is assured... Really, I can't stand spam either. I promise not to give
your information to anyone, especially those selling cheap prescription drugs from
overseas, alerting you to an inheritance from a long-lost uncle, or offering the
enlargement of anything.
And, if I ever bore you, just ask and
ye shall not receive! (actually, you don't even need to ask, there's a unsubscribe
link at the very bottom of each issue. So if someone forwarded this newsletter to
you, go on, click the image for your very own subscription.
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By clicking you agree to not hold me responsible for their reaction.
Quick Links
Upward Facing Blog [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI6hq7l-H6ZgSd4OG_7_sq-VD5sH5b5YI5rgJUAxwjv-DHAE4yc0ruGYeOgjMvIcz-djTMHpnEuYUZalHl9s_XBEUT-iyumtI845CWnug2-kx-jVqfPAXYcB]
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Green Yoga Association [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI7JTi5NB00X7LDVm_Y9naqimji96kycvY2TUCrP8Kuw-WagMn9G_iEDhF_W3EovZQU-KMBrse-YDrT50ec6LkxPx-EgjqvadDkDBbjWDExe4Q==]
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Namasté david,
By now, the little, anonymous acts of generosity initiated by last month's newsletter
and tele-class have probably sparked similar selfless action in people around the
world. We'll probably never know about them, but we can trust that as this beautiful
thread moves through communities, making those who perpetrate these acts feel so
good, it will naturally move forward, touching lives and inspiring change.
I've chosen a name for our group of rogue, reckless transgressors of common mediocrity:
The Generosity Underground. Kind of like a spiritual version of Hogan's Heroes,
if you can (ahem) remember that far back... What, me? I'm forty-twelve - and the
mere mention of that show has me wishing the theme music would stop playing in
my head.
On a quieter note, I am dedicating this issue in celebration of the life of Gabrielle
Roth, creator of the body of work known worldwide as the 5Rhythms, who passed into
the light on Monday, October 22nd. Her teachings of moving meditation, awareness
and disciplined freedom have affected my life in more ways than I could recount...
most important of which was meeting my beloved wife on the dance floor of a 5Rhythms
class in 2004.
Thank you Gabrielle, for four decades of tireless teaching. If we are indeed spiritual
beings having a human experience, you've made this material world a far better place
to dance through.
In gratitude...
Sneaking Out of Savasana
Here's our Upward Facing Blog mascot demonstrating the powerful and advanced Svansavasana,
or "Dog Playing Dead" pose. Yes, this full expression of a difficult asana is tempting
to try, but please do it with a fellow teacher who can bring you back should you
lose yourself in the quiet abyss of this pose.
So, let's begin. Have you noticed that certain people in your classes sneak out
of the room just before or even during the first minute of Savasana... It's not
my biggest pet peeve, but it's close.
Sometimes I feel like grabbing one of them by the shoulders and asking "what is
it about yoga's most important and hard-to-master pose that you don't get?" People...please...
this is where it all happens, where everything you just did is integrated into your
very being, the very act of non-doing that allows you to store the energy and accumulate
it, instead of, wait for it... starting over every time you come to class!
If the truth of that last paragraph made you cringe... by any chance, did you also
think: "Hmmm... Should I read this article? Sure, the photo is adorable, but it
doesn't seem to be about business -- and there's so much else I could be doing..."
Ah yes, rest and self-care -- often last on the to-do list of hard working entrepreneurs
Chances are, if you're a yoga business owner, you are ultimately responsible for
running the business. Did you ever notice that we call it running a business? To
a degree, that in itself points to the unbalanced work ethic that goes largely unquestioned
in our western culture. We're always running here and there, planning, doing, putting
out fires -- taking care of the never-ending tasks demanded by this thing we've
created that's meant to free us from working for someone else.
Does this sound familiar? Are the tasks and stresses dulling the enthusiasm you
started your venture with? Are you running your business or has it started running
In yoga practice, if one's mind is racing through the "to do" list, it can be tempting
to shorten or skip Savasana. This is a sure sign that deep rest is really needed.
I've seen anxious students roll up their mats at the onset of final relaxation and
disturb the rest of the yogis when trying to tiptoe out of the room. Sometimes,
the thing we need most is right in front of us.
Savasana is spoken of as the most difficult asana to master because it means taming
the mind. Even for just a few minutes, it means truly letting go of the list, the
worry, the fear... and resting. It gives our bodies and minds the opportunity to
process and integrate all the new information received each time we do yoga -making
the minutes of Savasana far more valuable than equal minutes of sleep.
Skipping Savasana is missing the point of yoga.
To be your best in life, to deliver the great gift of yoga to your community in
the clearest, most authentic and energetic way, you need to take care of yourself.
Building up agitation and tension without enough deep rest does not serve us, nor
our businesses. When we don't take the time to rest, we become less effective in
everything we do.
So, honestly, what have you been skipping for the "sake" of your business? Has your
practice suffered because "there's just no time?" What do you love to do that truly
nourishes you... that you've hardly done since starting your business? Ouch. Right?
We are yogis - we teach balance. And whether we own or run a yoga business, or just
hold classes, or both - we must live as an example of what we teach. To be in integrity,
we must invest in rest and self-care as part of our practice. Not doing so will
eventually lead to exhaustion and burn-out... and we don't want that, do we?
On our next teleclass, we will have a frank and open dialogue on how to creatively
integrate rest and self-care into our lives, and have our businesses thrive as a
result. Read below on how to join us.
Client Spotlight
Karen Kenney
I first discovered Alón in 2004. I saw an ad for the "Yoga Business Coach" in the
back pages of Yoga Journal. It said: Business - With a Yogic Twist. There was a
picture of this grinning guy in his bare feet. He was standing in Tree Pose - with
his hands in Namaskar - wearing a business suit. I thought to myself, "What's up
with this guy?"
As time passed, I kept seeing his ads in YJ. Then a few years ago, a friend and
fellow studio owner mentioned she might "check him out." I forgot about it, but
later realized she must have made the call, because I started seeing some positive
changes on her website and in her newsletter. Hmmm, it must be that "Yoga Business
Coach" lighting a fire under her ass.
Even though my curiosity was peaked, I still didn't reach out to him. Being an independent
kid from a tough city just north of Boston - I was used to doing things on my own.
I opened my yoga studio on total blind faith. No business plan, no business loan
and no business partner - it was just me, a credit card and the unwavering belief
that God had my back. Everything else, I figured out as I went along.
By 2012, I'd been running Quest Yoga by myself for 10 years. Things were going well,
but something was missing. It got me to thinking about my studio. More than that
- it got me to thinking about my whole creative life. I knew I wanted to make some
changes but wasn't sure how to move forward. I was feeling kind of stuck and frustrated.
That's when it hit me - I needed Alón! So here I was, 8 years later and I was finally
ready to find out just what was up with that guy!
I went to Alón's website (wicked nice), read some testimonials (people love him),
checked out his blog (he's funny too) and saw that he had a conference call coming
up. I sat in on the call - just listening at first. I wanted to check out his vibe
and see if I thought our personalities and philosophies would click. About halfway
through the call - I piped in with a comment. The way Alón responded to me - quick,
smart and spiritually aligned - sealed the deal. Right away I knew this was a person
I could work with and learn from.
What I love about Alón's no nonsense, yet intuitive approach is he's really clear
that your business is simply an extension of you! If you want to see great changes
in your business - you've got to be willing to change yourself. I'm not going to
lie, it wasn't always easy and I shed a few tears, but man, did we have fun too!
Alón promised me that he wouldn't waste my time and he wasn't lying.
After three months of honest conversations, spirited collaboration and laugh-out-loud
brain-storming sessions - he helped me discover that what I really wanted to do
was let go of running a traditional "studio" so I could focus more time and energy
on my writing, speaking and mentoring work!
I had been neglecting my memoir and other creative passions for several years because
I was so busy: running the studio, teaching group classes, working with private
clients, doing Thai Yoga Massage, balancing the books, updating the website, putting
together the newsletter while also posting to FB and Twitter, etc. If you own a
studio, you probably know what I'm talking about.
Each week, when we talked, Alón listened compassionately, but also called me on
my stuff. He told me to once and for all let go of any limited thinking that was
holding me back. He encouraged me to celebrate the dynamic gifts that I was born
with and to embrace all the different skills that I cultivated over the years. He
reminded me that we all have our own unique way of serving the world and he helped
me figure out exactly how I now wanted to do that moving forward. My sessions with
Alón brought me to a place of renewed clarity, divine purpose and enthusiastic vision.
Together, we created and are now launching my new brand: Karen Kenney - Spiritual
This whole process has been such an exciting and fulfilling experience. With a new
and improved website being created, a new logo being designed and redefining my
new brand - I am having a blast! This invitation (below) that we wrote for my new
clients is the foundation for my Spiritual Catalyst work. I cracked up when I realized
it's also the perfect expression for how I feel about YOU working with Alón - so
I wanted to share it with you:
If there's ever been a safe place to take a leap of faith, this is it.
This is your opportunity to choose Love over Fear - an invitation to awaken to what's
Discover a new sense of confidence, courage and freedom.
Here you have permission to shine. No more playing small, no more sabotaging your
dreams, no more settling for less. You can make excuses or you can transform your
life - you can't do both.
Now is your time. It won't always be easy... but no one else can do this for you.
Are You Ready?
Step Into Your Power.
Thank you Alón for being such a fantastic mentor, innovative collaborator and super
friend. I'm so glad that our paths crossed in this lifetime and that you are a part
of my journey!
Karen Kenney
Spiritual Catalyst
Concord, New Hampshire
www.KarenKenney.com [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI75Tcosv6PN91eZPzeSJPov1MRJn2UsyMoet7Z2Z2skxfsz4-gdMY4NIwls-O_HWWVFuKK5IwzPt5sCpLYafQztjqErtX1bS880byCmF_cxIg==]
www.QuestYoga.com [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI6pVBWvbsrBQvd64arm8cTqg13ILGiYMR152Pzn6QgYSqIVA6-T2CkcdHCgCFKm8zBH5LpLH5oDDjYOgPZlqWsd8p3ZlPMbyIc=]
www.BadYogi.com [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI6kBA3fvgDg-OxT4NlLeXzULEbAnD5MlCy3iNrVGU6VTDLixS1zs7Wl537YZmPoyM9rmRCoOe5K-y8KqGjLYMKZiymXKKa4wyA=]
Click here to read lots more client stories... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI4rPJPgxTcOI9Hwda9xoFQZZix5yykVwlvx3e276sq4e01vT7TkgJ4Oq_ypdjq0v0JpVQdmXuet-1iA5alp9Z0zp-Tkx7TvAHIdac0sC9GXSspBJqjG6pZ0qgvsM6X-qw8=]
Seva-Driven TeleClass
Want to learn how to use savasana and self-care to actually help your business?
Join us on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 at Noon USA Pacific Time/3:00PM USA Eastern
Time or 8:00PM Greenwich Mean Time, for our next seva (selfless service) driven
As usual, this will be a lot of fun, as well as life-changing, if you're ready.
Please join our community of yoga entrepreneurs (who call in from around the globe)
in this lively interactive discussion.
To join this month's class, just sign up... Don't miss this, it's going to be an
awesome and truly meaningful discussion.
Since space is limited, please click to email me [mailto:teleclass@yogabusinesscoach.com?subject=Sign%20me%20up%20for%20October's%20Teleclass!]
your desire to participate. You'll receive a confirmation with instructions approximately
one week before the call, if there is room. Please only request a spot if you are
certain you will be available for the call!
Visit www.TimeZoneConverter.com to convert 12:00PM US Pacific time to the exact
class time for your location.
Et Cetera...
Sync Walk [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI7QDq2LjmLM1cAAAZlzWJ9rIaSR2GI1xVsacIavHF1ByddPF0mPi2eqo8L0exC4ZdccI9mfI_zxCGCQ33NXXsb2pazNGRVtk9F5Bt14ufLni6J5hLV9ZdBPzIaeKVDtGjKhJIdox1EnRNflm4yAhATIv9ce1vdUiYgSLpQosFfx1g==]
Synchronized walking... You're kidding, right?
OK, bear with me... you really have to see this. At least see the remarkable two
minute section starting at 1:45. There are some boring parts in the whole 9 minutes,
but these two minutes are so amazingly cool.
Step aside Synchronized Swimming, the next Olympic sport will be done in business
Please post your thoughts to the Upward Facing Blog [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI6hq7l-H6ZgSd4OG_7_sq-VD5sH5b5YI5rgJUAxwjv-DHAE4yc0ruGYeOgjMvIcz-djTMHpnEuYUZalHl9s_XBEUT-iyumtI845CWnug2-kx-jVqfPAXYcB].
Yoga Business Coach(TM) publications reach thousands of studios and teachers in
over 150 countries around the world. Thank you for spreading the word. You can forward
this issue by clicking the link at the bottom.
Contact Alón
800.399.2977 From the USA
+1 415.294.4717 International
alon@yogabusinesscoach.com [mailto:alon@yogabusinesscoach.com]
http://www.yogabusinesscoach.com [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001NzFiVqwkPI4J1m9jBaRfFNvTi84h4FUus-cr-c--OgXRFcbUnIXZmdoRr3RH1GP9dMj9WHPAbSVqgHNS_n2fVZPGeA1r_cKhdpgxme28WzgDi9K_LGA3vw==]
Copyright 2004-2012 by The Yoga Business Coach(TM) All rights reserved. You're
welcome and invited to share and forward this publication to anyone, but please
do not excerpt or copy the ideas or text without proper attribution.
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The Yoga Business Coach | 35 Miller Ave. | #171 | Mill Valley | CA | 94941
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