Friday, October 19, 2012

How to raise your vibration & heal (free event)

Hi david,

Boy, do I have a treat for you today!

These days, many people talking about “raising your
energetic vibration”. It’s important, not just for
“manifesting” what you desire, but also for super-
charging your health, happiness and inner development.

And the truth is there are MANY techniques and
practices that can help in raising your vibration.

But in my experience (and the experiences of
thousands of others around the globe) what I’m going
to share with you today is one of the best…

(If not THE best)

If you want more energy… even if you suffer from pain,
disease, fatigue, stress, or the effects of aging… I want
to tell you about a powerful energetic development and
healing practice called "Spring Forest Qigong".

And here’s the exciting part…

For the first time ever, the very same program that has
helped tens of thousands of people unlock inner health,
healing, natural beauty, higher energy, and happiness will
be available free over the Internet, for six days only though,
beginning November 12.

Here are just a few of the many problems that have been
helped through this system:

* General pain: neck, shoulder, lower back, knee, arthritis, joints
* Migraine headaches, sinus problems, allergies
* Weight control, high cholesterol, and digestion problems
* Hearing or sight problems
* Female or male organ problems
* Kidney or liver dysfunction
* Strokes
* Diabetes and high blood sugar
* Gall or kidney stones
* Heart disease, high blood pressure, and circulation problems
* Depression
* Cancers
* Lung problems
* Autoimmune dysfunction such as AIDS and lupus
* Mental disorders: anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder,
panic attacks, addictions, obsessive/compulsive disorder,
hyperactivity, dyslexia

When you register today, you can listen to 10 professionally
produced audio sessions (all about 30 minutes long) and watch
two video sessions (about 60 minutes) absolutely free.

It is designed to help you learn the art of self-healing so that
you can immediately feel better, have much more energy,
and be happy. Spring Forest Healingfest begins November 12

*Go here to register today for free >>

This is a natural process that anyone can do at home. Qigong
is an ancient Chinese practice. It works with your body's energy,
which is called "Qi" or "chi." As Richard Gerber, M.D. puts it,
"…by moving Qi through the body, you can heal yourself of
many ailments."

Bill Manahan, M.D. from the University of Minnesota Medical
School said, “I would place Qigong equal in importance to the
incredible discoveries in the forties called antibiotics and in the
fifties called immunization.”

You can learn Qigong online free during six days in November!

*Go here to register today for free >>

And forward this email to your friends.

To your health and well-being!

Matt & Kevin
The Mind-Body Training Company.

P.S. The Spring Forest Healingfest is a wonderful gift to the
world from our friends at Learning Strategies. And we’re
pleased to help share it with you. It will help you raise your
energetic vibration and heal your body like nothing else!

It is absolutely free, and we would like you to share it with as
many people as possible including health practitioners and
people who could use healing.

*Go here to register today for free >>


IMPORTANT! Check out our full range of Programs. If
you want rapid results with the law of attraction, to
raise your energetic vibration, lower your stress, learn
to meditate or clear your inner blocks, you'll find a
Program in our Online Catalog to help you reach YOUR
next level. See our full range of Programs here >>

© The Mind-Body Training Company. All rights reserved.

The Mind-Body Training Company Ltd
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Registered Office:
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London, NW7 4SD

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