Wednesday, February 1, 2012

This Is Fast and Easy!

Eternity Yoga Newsletter

This really is so easy! One click below will connect you!

Here's the way to stay connected to get all the new training and freebies I will be offering!

If you have already made the move over to my new service, Thank You for taking a minute to do that!

If you have not, I am making it even easier for you - just click the link above to make it super fast and easy. Do it now, before you forget!

I'll be sending out reminders periodically to make sure everyone knows about the changes being made. You can unsubscribe from these notices below, and it won't affect your new subscription.

Thank you so much for being a part of my yoga group and I look forward to sending you some great new resources, gifts and information!


P.S. You can always contact me through this link if you have any questions or just want to say hello!



What is the secret to a more blissful state of existence? It's learning how to put the pieces together to effectively minimize stress, anxiety and depression. It's learning techniques that will alter the way you currently deal with adversity, and change your consciousness levels for the better. A new Yoga Self-Mastery Program is on the way. Stay tuned!


Please tell me what you would like to learn

Contribute to the Survey

Help me to help you. Is there something you need to ask or want to learn about in yoga, meditation, or personal empowerment? Let me know and I will answer. If you haven't taken my Survey yet, here is the link.


If You are a Moon Watcher, Check the Moon's Cycles and Phases Here


Photo Credits:

BEAUTIFUL SEASCAPE © Vilnis Lauzums | Dreamstime .com
THE RIVER IN THE WINTER © Andrey Mirzoyants | Dreamstime .com


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