Monday, January 30, 2012

Wildmind's Meditation Newsletter

wildmind buddhist meditation

Our online store

Make a purchase from our store, and it helps us to bring the benefits of meditation to more people! And we have lots of gifts for your meditating Valentine!

As well as a wide selection of guided meditation MP3s and meditation CDs, our online store also offers statues, jewelry, and household decor.

New in our store

ansari timer
Singing Bowl Embossed with Five Buddhas

Devotional Balinese Deva (Angel)

Jizo Statue

stone buddha pendant
Om Mani Padme Hum Bracelet

Turquoise & Coral Mandala Pendant

wild divine
Mani Stone, Engraved with Om Mani Padme Hum

Private Coaching from Sunada


 One-on-one meditation or life coaching

February 2012 Newsletter

Welcome to Wildmind’s latest monthly meditation newsletter. You’re receiving this email because you subscribed to our newsletter mailing list. You may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions at the end of this email.

What students say about “The Mindful Life,” our NEW introductory meditation course

  • “This is the first meditation course I've taken and it has been an eye opener.”
  • “Thank you for the very insightful month.”
  • “The best thing about the course was Sunada's feedback in the discussion forum. A previous online course I tried from another site wasn't nearly as effective.”
  • “Many thanks for a great course. I've been trying to practice mindfulness on my own for over a year, but this will finally set me on the road to meditating every day and exploring what mindfulness can do for me.”

Click here to learn more »

On practice

kayaking How “letting go” helps us get things done
by Sunada

In meditation, we’re told to drop everything and let go. But, Sunada says, that doesn’t mean becoming passive and ineffectual. We don’t let go of everything — just the stuff that gets in our way.

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compass Finding our values
by Vishvapani

At the end of his Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction classes, Vishvapani asks, how does mindfulness practice touch on your underlying values — things you really care about that can continue to motivate you over the years? Since this is a challenging question, he offers a simple exercise to help you connect with your core values.

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ripples Be happy so that others may be happy
by Bodhipaksa

You know that others’ emotions affect us, but you may not have realized, just how “infectious” our emotions are. The effect of one person’s emotions — whether negative or positive — can be measured as they ripple outward through our friendships and contacts. The implication of this is that if we want others to be happy, we should work hard to be happy ourselves!

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benevolence Six ways to sustain benevolence in ourselves and in our relationships, nations, and world
by Rick Hanson, Ph.D.

Benevolence is a fancy word that means something simple: good intentions toward living beings, including oneself. This goodwill is present in warmth, friendliness, compassion, ordinary decency, fair play, kindness, altruism, generosity, and love. Here are six ways to strengthen your benevolent tendencies.

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yoga mats Five steps to opening the heart to peace
by Saddhamala

Just as the practice of physical yoga releases tension in the body, there are five steps, taken from yoga’s meditative side, that release blocks to the flow of the heart and release unconditional love. When we love, we are free from the restrictions of ill will, and can live with an open heart.

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joy Five ways to increase your joy
by Bodhipaksa

Joy should be our natural state of being. Unfortunately, though, we’ve been brought up in a society that emphasizes wanting things and having things as the primary path to happiness. Wanting things actually destroys joy, while having things brings only a short-term burst of pleasure that fades quickly. True happiness, Bodhipaksa says, comes from our attitude toward things, not from things themselves.

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floating seeds Making the practice your own
by Tejananda

When you first learn to meditate, it’s appropriate and helpful to take on structured practices. There are plenty of such practices available, such as mindfulness of breathing, lovingkindness meditation, etc. But as we gain more experience we may have to find new approaches.

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offering Do all you can, with what you have, in the time you have, in the place where you are
by Rick Hanson, Ph.D.

We all need to give. We can hold back our contributions to the world, including love, just as much as we can muzzle or repress sorrow or anger. But contribution needs to flow; it stagnates if it doesn’t.

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Book reviews

book cover “Your True Home: The Everyday Wisdom of Thich Nhat Hanh”

Mandy Sutter found this collection of quotations from Thich Nhat Hanh to be both comforting and challenging. These are not anodyne feel-good quotes, but transformative insights and instructions that we need to let seep below the surface level of our intellect into our heart and guts.

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book cover “The Best Buddhist Writing 2011”

William Harryman reviews the seventh edition of what has become an annual treat of good writing for those who do not — or cannot — subscribe to the many Buddhist magazines or buy the many Buddhist books published each year. He finds clear signs that the emerging Western Buddhism is an embodied Buddhism: a way to live the teachings in the context of a postmodern technological society.

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book cover “Shortcuts to Inner Peace” by Ashley Davis Bush

Shortcuts to Inner Peace grows out of the meeting of Bush’s practice as a psychotherapist, and her personal Buddhist practice. She knew that many of her clients would benefit from meditation, and yet it was also obvious that few, if any, of them would be able to set aside the time for a regular practice. And so began a project to “sneak” mindfulness into daily activities. Bodhipaksa reviews.

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book cover “The Buddha Walks Into A Bar” by Lodro Rinzler

Rebecca Semmens-Wheeler reviews the literary debut of 28 year-old Shambhala Buddhist teacher, Lodro Rinzler, and finds it to be an enjoyable, useful, and interesting guide for young people practicing Buddhism.

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Quote of the month

orwell “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” George Orwell
by Bodhipaksa

The point of a metaphor is to help us see things more clearly, but they can end up being traps. Bodhipaksa points out that the metaphor of the path can be such a trap, leading us to overlook the fact that insight is available right here, right now.

Click here to read more »

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Meditation in the news

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meditation in the news

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