Friday, December 23, 2011

What is Chair Yoga?

Hi David,

Yoga has taken a turn toward popularity in recent years
among western cultures.

Many people have started to practice yoga because they
enjoy the routine and because yoga offers an uparalleled
combination of benefits including weight loss and
control, increased flexibility, pain management,
better respiratory function, improved memory and clarity of
thought, better sleep, and even many spiritual benefits.

If you've looked around, and especially on the internet,
you will have noticed that there are not only many
types of yoga, but also many types of equipment that
can be used in practicing yoga.

You may have noticed chairs for yoga. And while you
don't need a specialized chair for yoga (just a
sturdy, comfortable one will work) there are many reasons
why you might consider using a chair as part of your yoga

In yoga most of the exercises are commonly performed with
the aid of a floor mat.

However, nearly any yoga routine can be adapted to the
use of a chair instead of the floormat. All of the
exercises that are performed will either be done from a
sitting position in the chair, or by using the chair
as a bracing point forthe other exercises.

The advantage to the use of achair is that you do not have
to strain your body bygetting all the way down to
the floor, or the even worse strain of pulling
yourself back to a standing position. The muscles get a
break from this added work.

The popularity of the chair should come as no surprise
considering that many of the health benefits of yoga
are in great demand among seniors.

Seniors make up a large portion of the population,
and they stand to benefit as much as anyone from
practicing yoga. But it is more difficult on an older
body to get up and down from the floor, and so the
chair has made yoga possible for this group as

As a word of caution, be sure that you have someone
teach you to use the chair properly for your exercise.

The chair can be a very helpful tool when used
correctly, but incorrect use could cause injury just as
with any other exercise equipment.

Warm Regards,

Suzanne Morrison

Suzanne Morrison, 2nd Floor 145-157 St John Street , London, -- EC1V 4PY , United Kingdom

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