Friday, December 23, 2011

Product Review: Reality Creation Secrets

Product Review: Reality Creation Secrets

Are you looking for ways to enhance your finances, career,
personal life, or self-image? Are you looking for an effective
method of attracting solutions to these problems that are
creating obstacles to achieving inner peace and happiness?
Then "Reality Creation Secrets" by Enoch Tan, promises to
solve all of these problems, and more!

The eBook (which contains 32 chapters and a bonus section
containing 4 more chapters focused on the application of the
secrets) claims that by teaching the reader the secrets of
quantum physics, psychic powers, real magic, miracle healing,
and more, it can empower anyone to enhance his or her financial
situation, personal relationships, self-esteem, physical health
and more.

But is all of this all just a bunch of "hooey"? :)

Well first, it's hard not to notice the style of Enoch's web site.
It's a little... erm... shall we say... "loud" and "in your face".
Translation: the marketing claims are a little extreme, to say
the least. With claims on the home page such as "This is the
#1 web site in the world" no doubt many people will never give
this program a second glance. While that's certainly
understandable, we feel that would be unfortunate.

If you look past the marketing messages that "this is the
best and most important book you'll ever read," we feel there
is much of value here. The book is jammed full of great insights
and techniques for optimizing your results with the Law Of
Attraction. In fact, if you're looking for an "everything you
need to know guide" to the Law Of Attraction, this is actually a
very useful and worthwhile book.

"Reality Creation Secrets" gives you all the key insights you need
to apply the Law of Attraction and optimize your results. The
presentation of ideas is systematic and logical, beginning with
foundational insights and building your understanding with an
easy-to-follow progression. The program is a great foundational
"how to" guide for mastering the art of conscious creation.
This program is ideally suited to those new to the LOA and to
those who are confused by the claims of LOA proponents.

Bottom line: If you're prepared to see past the big marketing
claims, Reality Creation Secrets is actually a solid guide to
mastering the Law Of Attraction. It's ideally suited to those
new to the LOA and to those who are overwhelmed by all the
information on the topic and want a good foundational guide.

Find Out More About 'Reality Creation Secrets' Here >


P.S. Did you find this review useful? Reply to this
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